news and updates
Clevedon self-funds CCTV upgrades
Clevedon self-funds CCTV upgrades A security technology upgrade is required to make Clevedon a safer place, and local resident Dan Thompson has stepped forward and made it happen. A recent incident in Clevedon village, where two high school children were robbed at...
Tourist Road & Monument Road, Clevedon – Safety Improvements
Auckland Transport is improving safety Tourist Road and Monument Road Intersection, Clevedon by installing driver feedback signs, ‘STOP’ and ‘STOP AHEAD’ signs, and updating road markings to reflect these changes.When we expect to start workJune 2023...
Creighton’s – Tourist Road Intersection Update
Important Creightons - Tourist Rd Intersection update Works to reconfigure roadmarkings at this notorious interaction will take place overnight on Sunday 30 April, from 9pm to 5am. Please find attached a simple drawing illustrating the new markings and...
Branding project captures Clevedon’s identity
Clevedon now has its own brand, thanks to a collaboration between local community groups. A funding grant from the Franklin Local Board paved the way for the Clevedon Community and Business Association (Clevedon CBA) to spend the last 12 months working in partnership...
ANZAC DAY – Remembering 102 years: 25 April 2023
Please join us to remember the contribution, suffering and sacrifice of all who served in conflict this ANZAC Day. With thanks to a group of volunteers from across a number of local groups and organisations, this year's commemorations will once again be held at the...
Local voices see Clevedon road changes
Changes to a difficult Clevedon intersection are being undertaken by Auckland Transport in response to community feedback. Franklin Local Board chair Angela Fulljames says AT should be commended for responding to local concerns, especially given issues around safety...
LOVE LOCAL – Introducing, Diane Myers, Chartered Accountant
As autumn descended on the Te Wairoa valley, the shortening days may have been a cause of panic for those racing to the End of Financial Year tax deadlines. “It’s certainly a busy time of year,” laughs Diane, “but we enjoy working with our clients to make sure...
Apathy harms communities – action needed
Think what you may about Auckland Council, they fund an incredible number of great initiatives, facilities and maintenance in our Valley. Auckland Council’s Annual Budget is currently out for consultation and it’s difficult reading; it proposes that budgets be...